We are frustrated and angry as the third consecutive legislative session has ended since Prime Minister Trudeau’s December 2021 promise to ensure permanent resident status for all migrants and refugees, including undocumented people, without any action. For over 550 days, undocumented migrants have continued to be shut out of schools, denied healthcare, exploited at work, separated from our families and detained and deported away from our communities as we have waited for Prime Minister Trudeau to keep his word. Parliament has gone on vacation but undocumented people who work in low-wage jobs often without any days off remain in crisis.
- Montreal: Friday, June 23, 5:30pm at Metro Parc
- Toronto: Saturday, June 24, 11am at Bloor and Spadina
- Vancouver: Sunday, June 25, 10am, CBC Plaza
- Shediac: Sunday, June 25,11am, Pascal Poirier Park
Join us to insist on our equality as human beings, join us to insist on our dignity and worth. We demand a regularization program that gives permanent resident status to every single migrant in the country, and permanent residence on arrival for everyone entering Canada. We demand an immediate end to deportations and detentions.
All out! Call your friends! We need your solidarity!
CALL EVERY DAY: www.MigrantRights.ca/CallforStatus
EMAIL EVERY DAY: www.StatusForAll.ca