Take Action Take the Pledge: Unite Against Racism! Win Status for All!We are struggling to make ends meet, while the rich keep getting richer. Instead of fixing this, politicians and right-wing media are using anti-immigrant racism to distract us. Sign this pledge to join the movement to say no to racism and win immigrant justice. By signing this pledge, you commit to: Getting up to date Unite Against Racism Street Postering Team Cabinet to vote on #StatusForAll – Tell them to Regularize Everyone! Immediate Action Needed: Write a letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to ensure Status for All Send a message: Justice for Caregivers Act Now! Let’s Win Status For All! Amplify Migrant Voices in Future of Immigration Survey Take Action: Canada to turn away refugees to danger and death! RÉAGISSONS: LE CANADA RENVOIE LES RÉFUGIÉ·E·S VERS LE DANGER ET LA MORT ! Ministers are meeting on January 23rd to make plans for the year. Make sure we win #StatusForAll Add your name to our petition: Ensure equal rights for 1.7 million people SAISIR UNE OPPORTUNITÉ HISTORIQUE D’AMÉLIORER LA VIE DE 1,7 MILLION DE PERSONNES SANS ÉGALITÉ DES DROITS ACTÚE YA TENEMOS UNA OPORTUNIDAD HISTÓRICA PARA MEJORAR LA VIDA DE 1,7 MILLONES DE PERSONAS SIN IGUALDAD DE DERECHOS Call PM Trudeau & Cabinet: Status for All Without Exclusions! Petition: Clear the Caregiver Backlog! Status for All Without Exclusions! Organizational Actions for Status for All!