1pm EST, Thursday, May 5, 2016
On your telephone or your computer
Space is limited, please RSVP below!
For the last ten years, we’ve seen a rise in laws that deny migrant workers basic rights and simultaneously an increase in anti-immigrant sentiment that blames migrant workers for job loss and low-wages. Now, with a new government in Ottawa, we need to work together to turn the tide. We need to ensure permanent immigration status and full rights for all workers.
Join the Coalition for Migrant Worker Rights Canada on May 5, 2016 to learn about:
– The upcoming parliamentary review of the Temporary Foreign Workers Program
– Possible changes to the Caregiver Program
– Harvesting Freedom campaign marking 50 years of the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program.
This is not a webinar. It will be a brief presentation, followed by a discussion on:
– Building a shared set of demands
– Local actions across the country for migrant worker rights
– Supporting migrant workers in your communities
We will be sharing a toolkit with participants on how to take collective action.
The Coalition for Migrant Worker Rights Canada (CMWRC) is the representative body of migrant worker groups in the country with members in six regions. CMWRC is calling for permanent immigration status for migrant workers, including status on landing for incoming workers, open work permits and full access to labour rights and social entitlements. Learn more, and sign the petition.