Wendy confronted Maxime Bernier of the People’s Party yesterday in London, Ontario.
His response was shocking: “We cannot be racist when we are Canadian.” This from a man who believes immigration numbers should be cut by half, whose face was on billboards saying “Stop Mass Immigration”.
Today, Justin Trudeau launched his election campaign by attacking Conservatives who say they are for the people while cutting taxes for the rich and cutting services for everyone else. While that’s true, it’s a bit much coming from a man who just made it harder for refugees to claim asylum in Canada and spent $4.5 billion in public money to buy a destructive failing pipeline. And for months, Andrew Scheer has been stoking panic about immigration while saying there is no room for racists in his party.
For the next 40 days, we will be hearing more lies, half-truths and empty promises from politicians.
This is why for the next 40 days, we will be sending you regular Election Reality Checks to help you cut through the noise. These Reality Checks will be full of facts and talking points you can use to respond to politicians who will try to make us blame migrants for low wages, inadequate services and the high cost of living.
To get the Election Reality Check, pledge to #UniteAgainstRacism at www.migrantrights.ca
These Reality Checks are tools. We are asking you to join us in using them. Because it’s not just about who wins on October 21st. It’s about ensuring that we #UniteAgainstRacism to win a better future for all of us.
We cannot afford to be quiet. For the next 40 days, let’s get louder.
PS: Our regular Election Reality Checks will be posted on our website, and a version of them available on facebook, twitter, instagram – but the full version will only be sent to pledge signatories. So sign the the pledge here: www.MigrantRights.ca