This update is from our Election Reality Check series, read them all here.
Right now, it may seem that Canada is polarized and divided. Like you, we have seen electoral maps that show wide sections of the country in blocks of blue or red. With no party winning a majority of the seats, many of the decisions that will be made now will be with an eye on the next election. Political parties will try to score political points rather than implementing the agenda of change that we really need. They will try to exacerbate divisions to lock-in votes.
But divisions are a strategy used by the super rich to keep their power. It is critical that you, continue to speak to your friends, and co-workers about income inequality, climate change, migration, and racism. Become a Migrant Justice Champion, leading conversations and facilitating workshops where you are.
I want to be a Migrant Justice Champion!
We are clear eyed about the challenges: With right wing governments in power and slashing public services in Alberta, Quebec, and Ontario, many of us are facing multiple crises. And while millions turned out to vote in the federal election, in the absence of big material changes in policies and laws soon, and the threat of an even more right wing government averted, it will be easy to become demobilized. In a minority government, with political parties trying to consolidate their votes, it may be difficult to get the voices of migrants, undocumented people, and non-citizens who cannot vote to be heard.
But there is a lot that unites us: Climate action, ending economic inequality and racism, and indigenous sovereignty emerged as priorities for more and more people in the last few months. And so many of us have been taking action on these fronts across the country.
While it may seem difficult to impact what happens inside parliament, we have and we must continue to build our power outside it. Let us coordinate in our workplaces and our communities by talking to people, and winning them over to a shared vision of justice for all, one person at a time, one meeting at a time. And as we come together around issues that matter to each of us the most, we must connect and build links with others here and around the world, towards a common platform of decent work, universal services, permanent status, climate justice, and an end to displacement and discrimination.
The Migrant Rights Network will train people like you to educate your community. We will help you get connected to social justice organizations in your area. And we will support you in joining actions for climate, racial, economic, feminist and Indigenous justice.
Join Migrant Justice champions like you. Get trained and become a popular educator. Sign up now: