CANADA – Migrants, refugees, undocumented people, workers and students are taking action on September 18-20 in 10 cities to call for full and permanent immigration status for all. These actions come just days before the throne speech where Prime Minister Trudeau is expected to announce a new mandate for COVID-19 recovery. The cross-country day of action is coordinated by the Migrant Rights Network, Canada’s migrant justice coalition. On September 14, a coalition of over 300 organizations which include over 8 million people released a letter to Prime Minister Trudeau calling for full and permanent immigration status. This comes after months of protest, led by undocumented migrants and other migrants with precarious status, demanding a fully inclusive regularization program. Read the statement here:
Actions & Media Contacts
Cross-Country Contact: Syed Hussan, Migrant Rights Network – 416-453-3632,
September 18, 2020
- KELOWNA: Contact: Radical Action with Migrants in Agriculture, 250-215-3415
- VANCOUVER: Contact: CDWCR, 778-881-8345 and Sanctuary Health, 604-315-7725
September 20, 2020
- TORONTO: September 20, 2pm, Dundas Square. Contact: Syed Hussan, Migrant Workers Alliance for Change, 416-453-3632
- MONTREAL: September 20, 2pm, Bureau Premier Ministre Legault, 2001 ave McGill College. Contact: Solidarity Across Borders, 514-222-0205
- HAMILTON: September 20, 2pm, 1579 Main St. W.., march to MP Filomena Tassi’s office 1686 Main St. West. Contact: Jennifer Hompoth, 416-960-3098.
- ST CATHARINES: September 20, 2pm, MP Chris Bittle’s office, 61 Geneva Street. Contact: Kit Andres, Migrant Workers Alliance for Change, 905-324-2840
- SUDBURY: 3 PM, Marc Serré office, 2914 Hwy 69 N, Unit 1, Val Caron
- Online actions are also taking place in Fredericton, Kitchener and St. John’s. More actions are being updated see for the latest.
- At least 1 in 23 people in Canada (over 1.6 million) are non permanent residents.
- Migrants are on various study, work or humanitarian permits, or without documentation at all.
- Many migrants are excluded from universal healthcare, access to emergency income supports, and decent work. Many are separated from their families.
- Hundreds of thousands of migrant workers, refugees, students and undocumented people have lost their lives and livelihoods in COVID-19.
- Migrants are unable to fully protect themselves during COVID-19 because of lack of emergency support, and because speaking out about unsafe work and housing conditions can result in deportation, homelessness, or not being able to return.
- The federal government announced a “pathway to permanent residency for some asylum claimants working in the health-care sector during the COVID-19 pandemic” on August 14th. However, COVID-19 does not differentiate between people, and neither should the government response.
- Over 300 organızatıons ıssued a joint letter to Prıme Mınıster Trudeau callıng for full and permanent resıdent status for all thıs week: