As a result of organizing by people with Disabilities and their families, and with your support, in 2017, the Standing Committee for Citizenship and Immigration (CIMM) issued a report to Parliament recommending the repeal of the medical inadmissibility regime. The Minister of Immigration, the Honourable Minister Ahmed Hussen, has himself agreed that this policy must be changed. He will be announcing these changes on April 12th.
Lets make sure that he follows the Committee’s recommendation and repeals the law rather than tweaking it.
Members of Parliament need to hear from residents in their riding urging them to repeal Section 38(1)(c) of IRPA. It’s your turn to act.
Here’s what to do:
- Find the contact of your local MP:
- Email them as soon as possible requesting a meeting.
- Follow up with a phone call requesting a meeting.
- If you have a meeting confirmed, please let us know at
- At the appointed time, go to the meeting. Make sure to read this memo in advance and leave a copy with the MP
- Take a picture with the MP and send it to us at so we can remind them that they committed to acting on this issue.
Download this TOOLKIT
It includes sample emails to request a meeting, phone scripts, agendas for a meeting and what to say. Please get in touch if you have more questions.
Here’s a backgrounder to share with your MP and for you to be apprised of the facts.
Please download, read, and print.